Please call our Saxony-wide telephone number

0341 306 907 77
or email us at

We can be reached by telephone Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm.

Appointments in our advice centre are available upon request.

Saxony Anti-Discrimination Office Advice Centre

“I want to encourage myself and other people to complain. It’s a matter of dignity. In the end it’s much harder to put up with discrimination than to do something about it.”


People face discrimination in all parts of life: when looking for an apartment, while shopping, at the doctor’s office, at work, when dealing with local authorities, on the tram. We define discrimination as any form of unfavourable treatment, exclusion or harassment on the basis of appearance/skin colour, language, ethnicity, sexual identity, age, gender, religion or belief and all forms of disability.

We are here to help you speak up against discrimination and assert your rights.
We provide a space where you can talk about your experiences, and we help you decide how you would like to proceed. We also help you to develop and implement your plan of action. The most common types of support we offer are: writing a letter of complaint, asking for information and policy statements, setting up meetings and mediations, and moral support and help with logistics if you take legal action.

If you are discriminated against, please contact us. Strict deadlines apply for taking legal action, so please get in touch with us as early as possible.

Our services are completely confidential and free of charge. Donations are welcome.

We speak German, English, Spanish, Persian and Turkish. Interpreters for other languages including sign language are available upon request.
Our office is wheelchair accessible.

“Had I known about this advisory service earlier on, things wouldn’t have gone this far. I would have started to defend myself much earlier.”



Antidiskriminierungsbüro Sachsen e. V.
Seeburgstraße 20
04103 Leipzig

Phone: 0341/ 306 907 77

Appointments upon request.

Tram stops: Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, Roßplatz


Antidiskriminierungsbüro Sachsen e.V.
Jakobikirchplatz 2
09111 Chemnitz

Phone: 0371/ 433 084 61

Appointments upon request.


Antidiskriminierungsbüro Sachsen e.V.
Seminarstraße 2
01067 Dresden

Phone: 0351/ 481 981 37

Appointments upon request.

Bank details for donations

IBAN: DE43830654080004630246
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank Altenburg